Eagerly awaiting summer
I can’t wait for summer to arrive. I enjoy the warm sunshine and the fresh fruits and vegetables that it brings. As we creep slowly towards summer, I am eagerly awaiting the …
I can’t wait for summer to arrive. I enjoy the warm sunshine and the fresh fruits and vegetables that it brings. As we creep slowly towards summer, I am eagerly awaiting the …
There is nothing like the sight of tulips pushing up through the soil to let you know that spring has arrived…
I think I have mentioned before that a good portion of my income is derived from various versions of world maps…
As I sit and watch the disaster in Japan unfold and the Middle East unrest continue to develop, my thoughts and prayers go out to all the millions of people affected by these two events.
While the human tragedy is foremost in my mind, I can’t help but wonder what effect it will all have on the markets…
(click image to enlarge) With information so abundantly available on the internet these days…
(click image to enlarge)
I shot this image while I was in Cuba a few years ago. We went on a boating/snorkling outing and anchored …
Sometimes the key to solving your problem is right in front of you and you don’t even notice it. Like when you …
Remember when it took weeks to settle a bet because to find out the definitive answer meant …