Cat Style: What they love

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A cat, just like a person, has preferences and ideas about their world. Of course we know that animals all have their own distinctive personalities and what one cat likes another might despise, but there are some things that most cats prefer. For instance, did you know that that “catitude” that you sometimes get from your furry bestie might just be a front? According to a recent study, it turns out, cats prefer human interaction to food.
And if you want to be even better at interacting with your cat, maybe try playing some cat-specific music for your feline friend. Turns out, cats like music that is close to the frequency of their own vocalizations – so that new pop track that you have on repeat might be like nails on a chalkboard for your kitty. If you want to try some special cat music, start with this song that the study used and observe your cat for reactions.
Another great way to connect with your cat is to understand their temperature setting. They like hot surfaces like computer towers and that spot on the floor in the sun for a reason: cats have fewer heat receptors than people. This means they seek out warmth, and can sometimes seem a bit insane in their quest to do so. Who hasn’t been scared by the stare of a nocturnal kitty on top of the fridge? But of course just because cats run a bit cooler than we do, it doesn’t mean we need to be any less careful during the summer. Click here for tips about how to make sure your cat stays cool and healthy during a heatwave.
Do you know any interesting feline facts? Let me know on facebook or in the comments below.