Kamloops Wine Festival

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Wine: “Nectar of the gods“, beverage of choice for Dionysus, and sometime blood of Christ. It’s no wonder we still enjoy these wonderful “sour grapes”. If you’re in the Kamloops Area, perhaps you’ve already heard about the Kamloops Wine Festival! This supports local arts and it’s on next week from May 4 – 14th. More info here.
Not only is wine one of those things that you might need a new vocabulary for, it’s also one of the things that seems to unite many culture. If you’re looking for a free primer on wine, look no further than the podcast interview that Tim Ferris did with Richard Betts (master sommelier, author of the scratch and sniff guide to wine and a self described “hater of wine snobs”).
And while too much of a good thing is never beneficial, I’m sure we’ve all read articles about the various benefits of different wines over the years – from heart-protective to skin improvements. But did you know that wine can also be used to clean everything from kitchens to vegetables (it can kill e.coli & salmonella), bait a fruit fly trap, or if you’re a member of the royal family – even power an Aston Martin.
So what’s your wine of choice? Or do you prefer to use it as a bio-fuel?