Robots Invade Banks

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How safe are your investments? According to some, the stock market is experiencing an influx of “robot bankers” that act so quickly they can crash and raise a stock in 650 milliseconds. Apparently these “robots” insert an algorithum that alters the trajectory of the stock and can even crash the whole market. What do you think, is it fact or is it fiction? Let me know in the comments below.
Another interesting robot adventure is the introduction of a customer service robot at a bank in Washington, D.C. The robot is controlled by the person whose face appears on the screen, and will be used as a marketing gimmick to greet pedestrians on the sidewalk as they go by.
What do you think? Is our money more secure outside banks than in? Have robots taken control of our financial institutions? In this sci-fi world, can aliens be far behind? Let me know in the comments, and go ahead and add me on Google+ be sure to