Spirit Eagle Maquette
Yesterday I finished and shipped the Spirit Eagle Maquette for the Mikisew Elder Care Centre. There were many steps to making the maquette, which should accurately represent the larger scale final project. I started by cutting out the structural framing, adding the mounting base, cladding the legs, and then adding pieces to represent the glass and mosaic, which are held down with metal tabs.
The process of making the maquette was very tedious, but the use of the CNC machine helped me with cutting the pieces to exact dimensions.

The structural frame cut from MDF near the very beginning stages of maquette construction, with the opaque panels resting on top.
The maquette was built at a scale of 1:10, and is true to life with all the details that the final sculpture will have. The wingspan of the maquette is 29″.
The balsa wood used in the model represents the dark stained cedar that will be used when the actual sculpture is built. I mounted it on board with pedestals to represent the cement footings that have already been poured on site. If you want to see some more drawings of the Spirit Eagle Canopy, go ahead and click through to my fine art site. You can also find my fine art facebook page.
Maquette Materials:
Frame – MDF
Welded Feet – Card Stock
Glass – Acrylic Sheet
Mock Mosaic – Printed on Velum
Angle Iron & Glass Holding Tabs – Aluminum Sheet
Base – Thin MDF
Footing – Painted Particle Board
Lights – Sharpie Caps & Coat Hanger Stands