Syncing your Devices

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Do you have devices that operate on different systems? Do you find it hard to sync your data across platforms? There are many companies that offer solutions to this issue. We will review 5:
One of the better known companies is dropbox. It uses the “cloud” – storing your data securely and letting you access it anywhere on any device, just put in your password. Best of all, it’s free for under 2GB.
If you’ve got a gmail account, you probably already know about Google Drive. It stores up to 15GB for free, but this includes all your google + photos, and your gmail messages.
There’s also Copy, which gives users 15GB to start off with and then an addtional 5GB for downloading the desktop client.
If you run a small business, there’s also the option that is even more secure than dropbox, and that’s cloud based Spider Oak.
For something that is not cloud-based, you can try BitTorrent Sync, which uses a peer-to-peer file transfer protocol, making it an even more secure option for storing your data.
What do you think? Do you trust your data to the cloud? Or do you just buy devices that are all compatible? Let me know in the comments.