The Golden Hour

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The Golden Hour: the time of day that comes around twice. It’s a time when the sun hits a particular angle with the Earth and the light becomes magical. Photography during the Golden Hour produces those special shots you love; the ones where the sun seems to cast everything in a halo, and the quality of the image is elevated by the light.
The light becomes softer, redder, and seems to saturate everything in a way that’s very pleasing to most people. It’s the quality of light that reminds you of how Hollywood shoots happy memories: haloed in light and supersaturated with a slight haze. This softness lends a dreamlike quality to photography.
So how can you use this type of light to your advantage next time you’re on vacation and you want to get that great Instagram shot, or you’re on an evening walk with a loved one and you want to capture that perfect memory? Well, if you’ve got an iphone, try these great tips. Or try these different techniques to capture unique Golden Hour photos.
So have you ever taken a photo during the Golden Hour? I’d love to see it – share it on facebook!