Tornado Watch

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In the interior of the US, tornado season is just ramping up. Because of the vast geography of America, the weather phenomena are greatly varied and due to global warming, some years the intensity of the weather is increasing.
In 2013, there were 940 reported tornados, causing 53 fatalities. Of course, the US isn’t alone in its strange weather. A warming trend around the world has dramatically changed the weather we have been recording. For more info, try this link.
There have been massive changes in how the planet, physical and environmental, is now responding to a global rise in temperature, as well as increasing human development of natural areas. Because of the rapid evolution of our technology, humans are now deforesting, mining, and traveling faster than ever before. These changes are affecting not only the local systems where resource extraction is occurring, but also the weather patterns, animal migration, and traditional cultures on a global scale.
Nature is about balance – and this may be the answer to why we are experiencing such extreme climate shifts – the earth is attempting to balance the imbalance created by human interference in natural systems. (Or possibly it is trying to eradicate the root of the problem, which if we view the earth as an organism, would be the system bring overrun of a “human bacteria”).
Even James Lovelock, the father of the “Gaia” theory, now believes that humans could cause their own extinction simply by refusing to stop extracting resources from our overtaxed earth.
What do you think? Are we doomed to live through an era of extreme weather until we fund more sustainable ways to power our technology? Or are we just coming to a tipping point where the earth will become an uninhabitable desert? Let me know in the comments.