Yearly Medical Checkups: Necessity or Outmoded Tradition?
Experts agree: if you feel fine, you probably don’t need to see a doctor. Recent studies concluded that while 45% of Canadians still go for annual physicals, in general these costly and lengthy visits don’t usually turn up any issues in healthy adults. These annual checkups also take time and healthcare spending away from patients with more pressing illnesses. Check out this article to help you decide when to make an appointment if you’re on the fence about it.
When you may need to see a doctor is if something in your health changes, or if you have a specific family history of illness. These are both occasions that require appointments and possible further tests ordered by the doctor. Common ailments may include (especially in the aging population): blood pressure, diabetes, mammograms, colon cancer, and osteoporosis. (Check here for more).
Do you see your doctor annually? Or just pop in when you’re under the weather?