Posted August 31st, 2017 01:30:35 pm by Bill Frymire

Leaves are an integral cue to us that fall has arrived. Today we’re going to explore the process of leaf colour change, what it does for tree health, and why some scientists are worried about the role of climate change on fall’s colours….
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Posted August 24th, 2017 01:30:34 pm by Bill Frymire
Weights and Measures are an important accepted part of our culture. We measure everything from bananas at the supermarket to barrels of oil for trade. So how did we come up with these accepted modern standard measurements?…
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Posted August 17th, 2017 01:30:34 pm by Bill Frymire
Being a leader means different things to different organizations, communities, and people. But what does it mean to step up and be a leader to ourselves?…
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Posted August 10th, 2017 01:30:06 pm by Bill Frymire
A cat, just like a person, has preferences and ideas about their world. Of course we know that animals all have their own distinctive personalities and what one cat likes another might despise, but there are some things that most cats prefer…
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Posted August 3rd, 2017 01:30:01 pm by Bill Frymire
Solving problems sometimes requires an out of the box approach. But outside the box is usually where a person’s true gifts lie…
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